National Geographic Feature

Dream come true! One of our stories was featured in a National Geographic documentary.

As a photographer, of course one of my dreams is to be published by National Geographic. I've had it on my goal list for years and every year it didn't happen I got more and more discouraged. Probably a lot like you, I had a lot of plans and goals for 2020 that didn't happen. But, one dream did come true -- my work (and my husband Jaco's) was finally published by National Geographic. It meant so much to me that even though it was published months ago, I haven't had the words to express it. It only took loosing all my client work and diving head first into the deep end of an idea that was planted in my heart six years before. 

Long story short, we filmed Jen's story in April and through a random series of connections her story ended up in front of the eyes of a producer at National Geographic who thought it would be a great fit for an upcoming documentary she was working on. 

You can checkout the final product at the link below -- we shot the footage for Jen's story starting around 11:30. (may not work on Safari, but should work with Chrome)


The Covid-19 Survivor Diaries Documentary Film Series


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